Hello Lake Macquarie!

Today is the first day of the Lake House Artist Residency!!!

I got up and explored the house. It is beautiful! And I love the touches from the artists that have been here before me. Like the paintings and photos on the walls – Last night, when I came in, I thought there was a photo of a woman in the bush, beating an old water tank with a bat. In the morning light, I can now tell you, she is playing the violin to a fallen water tank… Slightly different narratives. – and the guest book filled with notes, letters and drawings.

My first job of the day was nicking to the shops for supplies. After successfully securing breakfast food, I came back, made breakfast and wrote yesterday’s blog post.

Then, with my backpack ready for artmaking, off I went to find the power station in preparation for tomorrow’s class and sat by the water.

I spent a few hours by the water doing observational drawings with techniques I’d be using with my classes. I also took some photos of the power station to reference, as there was unfortunately nowhere I could find to set up and sketch it live.

Coming back to the house, I created viewfinders out of cardboard and made artwork showing how they could combine the techniques we would cover in the warm-ups.

Then it was off to bed.

See you tomorrow,


Reminder: I will post quick journal-styled daily blogs during my stay, but there will be a more in-depth reflective report after the residency.