Residency Sketchbook Warm-Up Challenge

I leave for the UK in 20 DAYS. How is it so rapidly approaching?

In preparation for the trip, I've been doing so much admin that my actual art-making has paused for a minute. But no longer!

So, what is the best way to ensure I'm back into my daily art-making? A gentle and relaxed reboot? No!

I have a blank sketchbook and 20 more days to fill it! Well, I actually started it three days ago, so I had 23 days to fill it. My blog post is just a tad late. 

The Goal

The goal is to let myself experiment while retaining quality, without the pressure of perfection, but push myself outside my comfort zone. 

The Game Plan: 23 Days = 62 Pages

I have 23 days until I leave and a sketchbook of 62 blank pages. 

If I do a daily average of 2.5 pages of artwork and experiments leading up to take off, I will have a completed sketchbook and my sketchbook habit back in place, fingers-crossed! 

I will post to my Instagram account to share my progress and keep myself accountable. If you'd like, you can follow along @amyleesdoherty

As well as completing this self-imposed challenge, I also need to pack soon too...

Until next time, and all the best, 

From Amy