Saturday Class!

I had a brilliant day! Today, I had the privilege of teaching a class at Shark Tower on Redhead Beach.

As we travelled to the location this morning, we were worried. The weather threatened a storm; the sky was dark with clouds and the sea choppy. When we arrived, we found out the beach was closed (water only) due to an actual shipwreck the night before, causing debris to wash up on shore. Luckily, the Lifesaver Surf Club were happy for us to set up undercover on their lower deck to avoid the potential downpour.

A big thank you to the students for coming out and participating. They were lovely, and I was so impressed with the quality of work they created and how willing they were to jump in, especially with the physical warm-up, which I know can feel very silly, especially at the start.

The class ran for two hours. We spent the first hour doing warm-ups and familiarising ourselves with the subject matter, materials, tools and techniques. Then, in the second hour, they worked on their postcards.

I’m delighted to announce that each student has a selection of beautiful artworks that will be exhibited in the Wangi Creative Hub in December 2023 and January 2024.

A massive thank you to Anna, Visual Arts and Public Programs Officer from Lake Macquarie City Council, for all her help prepping the class and lugging all the supplies up and down the beach with me.

For my final night in the residency, I went to ‘A Journey Through Electronic Music and Art’ electronic music and art with MonoDuo at MAP mima.

Until tomorrow, the last day…


Reminder: I will post quick journal-styled daily blogs during my stay, but there will be a more in-depth reflective report after the residency.