Lake Macquarie, here I come!

This post was meant to be Day 1, but I’ve changed it to Day 0 - Part B as it will be a full day of travel and not a lot of art.

I’m not sure about you, but I always expect a slight hiccup when travelling. Well, this trip did not disappoint! Just as I was getting in my car at 3:00am to drive to the airport, I got a message: my flight was cancelled.

The next flight wasn’t for 12 hours, but I managed to get a ticket. And after rearranging my flights, parking and car hire, I got to go back to bed for a few more hours.

Come the afternoon, I got to the airport, and we were off. Arriving at Newcastle airport that evening, I hopped in my hire car (spent 10 minutes trying to figure out the spaceship controls - everything is a button, even the gearstick) and off I went to the Lake Macquarie Art Residency house!

The house is lovely! I was so grateful to arrive and find the house all ready for me.

I had a quick exploration, but after messaging my family that I was alive and safe and dropping my bags, I was asleep in minutes.

As well as developing my art and engaging with the community, I aim to develop my digital skills and online presence. So, if you’d like more visual storytelling, you can follow me on Instagram @amyleesdoherty, where I am trying to learn the ways of the reels (wow, I sound hip).

Until tomorrow, the first proper day of the residency!


Reminder: During my stay, I will post quick journal-styled daily blogs, but there will be a more in-depth reflective report after the residency.