Exploring locations around Lake Macquarie.

After yesterday’s excitement, I had a wonderful, slow morning. I worked on my blog posts and realised I forgot to hit “post” on Day 1’s blog… So I did that.

Today, I explored the two locations for Saturday’s classes: the Redhead Shark Tower and Catherine Bay Pier.

At the Shark Tower, I accidentally parked at the opposite end of the beach to the tower, so I had a beautiful 45-minute walk looking at all the stunning flowers growing by the path. Once I got to the tower, I completed a few observational drawings and paintings, then took reference photos for later.

After another 45-minute walk back, it was off to Catherine Bay. Unfortunately, the weather turned as I arrived, but I took some photos from the lookout and sat in my car to complete a few quick observation sketches.

Back at the Lake House, I broke out the reference photos I had taken and worked on more detailed paintings.

It was great to explore more of Lake Macquarie and familiarise myself with the locations before Saturday’s classes.

Until tomorrow’s adventure,


Reminder: I will post quick journal-styled daily blogs during my stay, but there will be a more in-depth reflective report after the residency.